Friday 18 July 2008


Finishing nights onto a day off is not my favourite way of working. I can never decide if its best to go straight to bed or stay up and see most of the day through and then have an early night...after all, normal folk don't go straight to bed as soon as they get home from work, Have their tea, then maybe a few bevies in front of the telly before bedtime.

So that's what I did Wednesday morning. It was 815am by the time I managed to get past the traffic on the Chelsea embankment and through Earls Court onto the M4. Was very surprised to see Laura up and about which she explained she had stayed up so we could get into the routine together rather than being awake and asleep at different times.

We eventually got to bed about 1pm and both woke at 8pm. That meant we had the prospect of still being wide awake come the early hours of Thursday so, following a couple of ciggies and a brew we retired again and both managed to sleep till 2am........what a life!

Night time telly not being up to much Laura settled down and watched her ER dvd's while I battled with ancient civilisations to conquer the world on the laptop.

5am saw us pushing a trolley round Tesco in Slough for the weekly BIG SHOP. We were just 2 of about 6 other shoppers and while that may sound smashing, not having crowds of people about, its actually more of an obstacle race due to the shelf stackers and their huge wire cage things blocking aisles and walkways so that you find yourself in a kind of supermarket maze wheeling your trolley from one dead end to the next till you finally emerge at the only open checkout with its sleepy occupant clock watching.

I think im slowly getting the hang of Blogspot and have been messing about with colours and stuff, so if anyone finds it hard on the eyes or has suggestions the please let me know.

Here's a couple of my fav pics from our Emblem days

Sunset over Chatham

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