I think we have been the luckiest parents on the planet.
Since she was 2 mths she sleeps on average 10-11 hours a night when she decided her bedtime was 8pm sometimes 7pm following a busy baby type day.
She has 2 teeth when others older than her by several weeks have none and her only gripe about teething is a few moans during the day when she is in particular discomfort. The rest of the time she spends testing her teeth on the nose and fingers of Laura and her Godmother Lydia.
last month, with the arrival of her first tooth we decided to try her out on solid food, we had read all the books which told us to be patient and not to expect her to take to it straight away but to keep trying.
She gobbled up her first bowl in 1 sitting often grabbing the spoon to try and feed herself.
Its got to change soon surely, when is she going to turn into the baby monster?